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#hurrytobekind + comment below or email us a few sentences featuring someone who has impacted you or the life of another with their acts of kindness – it could be a stranger in passing, a community leader, or simply one of your closest friends!

in order to celebrate these warriors of kindness -- we will be featuring an individual atleast once a week for the remainder of 2017 to simply say thanks for their kind deeds. // that’s a lot of weeks -- so #hurrytobekind and help a sista out ya?

we'll be waiting for your stories @ kyleejo@hurrytobekind.com ✘x


1 Response

Payton Smith
Payton Smith

January 11, 2018

My close friend, Haley Cropper, is the first person to come to mind when I think of kindness. She is truly an inspirational person to be around because of her keen social awareness, forgiving and loving heart, and her passionate drive to help others succeed.

Haley has Celiac Disease, which many people look past now because of the dietary fad of being “gluten free”. She has struggled for years with finding recipes that she can enjoy alongside her friends, who are indulging in their gluten-filled treats and pastries. Instead of letting jealousy or anger take over, she has chosen to research and find ways to help other people who have Celiac enjoy delicious recipes. We, in fact, have decided to start a blog that will provide easy, healthy, and 100% gluten-free recipes for those who may be having a tough time.

I am proud to be her friend of almost a decade and as she continues to grow and develop into an even stronger person, I will be there cheering her on.

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